
Pastor Joshua Palmer

Reverend Joshua Palmer earned his M.Div. from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis in 2015. Before starting Cross and Crown, Pastor Palmer served as LCMS campus chaplain at the University of Arizona. He loves teaching people about God’s Word. He is married to his high school sweetheart, Krissy. They have a bunch of kids, a bunch of books, and two dogs.

Deacon Allen Cooney

Reverend Allen Cooney earned his MDiv. from Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, after which he served as a Presbyterian pastor in Tucson for ten years, before being appointed headmaster of Pusch Ridge Christian Academy for seven years. He is married to his wise wife, Huntley (33 years), blessed with two strong daughters, two noble sons-in-law, and four astonishing grandchildren. In February 2022 Rev. Cooney and Huntley became members of Cross and Crown and Rev. Cooney was commissioned as a deacon while he pursues colloquy. Rev. Cooney loves Aslan and enjoys going on adventures.

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